Contact / Information

Contact Information:

V.O.F.Dieleman Cfish

Skippers: Ko en Niels Dieleman


tel: +31 (0)614826506



Groenendijk 75

4587 CS



KvK: 58800212


  • Be on time at departure point in Breskens (20 minutes before departure time).
  • Follow the safety instructions as indicated by the crew punctually.
  • Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Our ship is a small-scale cutter. Space is limited. In case of rain you must bring rain jackets as we stay together on the after deck. You can take a seat on a bench, or stand by the railing. 

  • In case of bad weather, we do not sail. You will be informed in time (by phone/e-mail/Whats App) Your reservation will be cancelled and your money will be refunded.

  • No alcohol will be served.

  • Dogs are not allowed. 

  • There is a toilet, but the toilet space is limited, it is recommended to go to the toilet shortly before sailing or in your holiday accommodation. 

Start Location:

Keerdam 1
4511 AR
Coordinates:  51.396181 / 3.562076



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